Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hey All You Lurkers

I get a lot of hits from this page but, sadly, no comments from you guys. If you drop by my page leave me a comment and say Hi. I don't bite. I promise.

An even better idea would be for you to post on this blog and share your family news with the rest of us. Mary did the work setting up the blog and emailing everyone in an effort to bring the extended family closer.

I think it is sad that no one is posting. We want to know what everyone has been up to. This is great, easy way to keep in touch with people we don't get to visit with. Let us hear from you.

Picture: Juliana's flowers from her beau.


Steve said...

I think there are a limited number of people that have the ability to post to the blogger site and as far as I know I am not one of them.

Carrie J said...

Steve, I believe anyone can create a Google account that will allow them to post on the forums. Try this link or look right under the place you enter your name when commenting, there should be a link to sign up.

M Leonard said...

Okay Steve, I finally checked this site for updates myself and saw your post. I have now sent you an invite to be able to post things on it if you want. Remember, if there are any other family members that want to be able to post they need to contact me to be added to the permissions list for posting. Thanks,